Search for Evolution in Rhynie Chert Microfossils Is Rootless and Fruitless

A recent discovery of excellently preserved fossils at a molecular level: Do they support evolution or creation?

Origin of Eukaryotes: Still Wishing and Hoping Endosymbiosis Is True

Subsequent to the origin of life, the origin of eukaryotic cells is admittedly the next most serious problem for evolutionists.

More Collapsed Darwinian Expectations

There's a new trend in Darwinian press releases: reporting falsified expectations. Keep up the good work.

Lucky LUCA Was Already Complex

Simple to complex: that’s been the essence of evolutionary theory ever since Charles Darwin imagined some organic molecules coming together in a warm little pond eons ago. Whatever simple life form emerged from his pond started his evolutionary process that led to the human brain. But what if the “last universal common ancestor” was already highly complex? What if bacteria and archaea are “devolved” remnants of a more complex ancestor? That’s exactly what a new study is claiming.
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