Mammals The Human in the Elephant Room April 14, 2023 Man: domesticate thyself. Make like an elephant. Or, maybe humans already did. Or elephants did. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Evolutionary Psychology Tries to Replace Religion April 8, 2023 Anything a church can do, evolution can do better, think evolutionary psychologists. But is science on their side? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Darwinian Morality as an Oxymoron June 13, 2022 Naturalistic Darwinism does not possess the causative tools to account for observable moral judgments humans make. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution You Animal You: How Darwin Hardwired Humans July 11, 2020 You are what you are because you were what you were. Now you understand. Do what comes naturally, evolutionists say. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Papers Can No Longer Be Trusted August 2, 2018 How do you know a paper is not a hoax? or fake science? It's getting increasingly difficult to tell, and Big Science is worried. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Religion vs. Evolution: Which Explains Which? October 11, 2015 Evolutionists have a running theme that evolving humans invented religion for various evolutionary reasons. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Prosociality and Cooperation: Evolution vs. Prayer May 19, 2013 Cooperation exists in nature. Does that mean it evolved? Only if evolution is the sole mechanism in your toolkit. CONTINUE READING