Mind and Brain What is Normal? Subjectivity in Psychiatry Self-Destructs September 20, 2024 A gay psychologist would not want to live in the world he promotes. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Archive: Material Girls (and Boys) in a Material World Are Not Happy Campers September 9, 2023 This article was published twenty years ago on Sept 7, 2003. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Is Psychology Schizophrenic? September 10, 2022 Psychology is so stuck on an illogical paradigm, it is out of touch with reality. As it tries to explain schizophrenia, it exemplifies it. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Psychologists Are Schizophrenic about Mental Illness February 14, 2022 They can't define it; they can't form a consensus. Maybe they should go back to Genesis. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Psychotherapy Is Useless August 3, 2021 For treating borderline personality disorder, doing nothing is cheaper than paying a psychotherapist and likely to be just as successful. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology God Delusion, or Atheist Delusion? November 29, 2020 "Live Science" lets a so-called "expert" equate all religion with psychological delusions. The tables should be turned on atheists. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Freud: Celebrity Fraud March 22, 2020 Let this be a lesson on misplaced trust in confident-sounding authority figures. This guy was SO WRONG! CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science More Criticisms Raised Against Psycho-Science August 6, 2019 Are psychology and psychotherapy losing their minds? Claims of their scientific validity are under fire (again). CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Psychology Co-Ops ‘Science’ to Fight Biblical Morality July 7, 2019 Secular psychology is not science. It uses the word 'science' to promote anti-Biblical morality. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics How to Nudge an Elitist June 11, 2017 Smug elitists think they have a corner on truth and should tell the rest of us how to behave. They've given us the tools to push back. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Succumbs to Political Correctness July 31, 2016 Is science immune from cultural trends? In theory, hopefully; in practice, often not. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Psychiatry Ascribes Empty Names to Clusters of Symptoms February 23, 2016 Schizophrenia doesn't exist. People exist with various behaviors, but schizophrenia is an empty label, an expert says. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Sexual Orientation is Not "Born That Way" January 10, 2016 Psychologist says there is little scientific evidence that sexual-orientation is biological, but two powerful men forced the sexual revolution on the country. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Science Axis of Evil December 8, 2015 By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain What's On Your Mind? April 15, 2015 News on neuroscience that will stimulate you to think about your brain thinking about thinking. CONTINUE READING