Geology Secrets Under the Earth Revealed September 16, 2021 More water inferred deep underground, and ancient canyons and rivers detected. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Water on the Planetary Science Brain July 30, 2021 Hydrocephaly is a physical brain ailment, but hydrobioscopy is a philosophical brain malady. CONTINUE READING
Geology Radar Reveals Former Warm Landscape Under Greenland July 18, 2016 Under the world's fastest moving glacier, radar has revealed a network of V-shaped canyons carved by temperate rivers. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Lost Civilizations: Human History Hidden in Plain Sight February 18, 2015 New imaging techniques have revealed extensive ancient human settlements in two very different remote environments. CONTINUE READING
Geology Grand Canyon Demoted by New Discovery August 29, 2013 A canyon longer than Grand Canyon has been discovered under the ice of Greenland. Scientists are surprised that it has persisted through the ice ages. CONTINUE READING