Why Chernobyl Neighbors Are Not Dying

Surprising scientists, both people and animals are doing OK around the world's worst nuclear accident site.

Astrobiology: The Joy of Being Wrong

An astrobiologist looks forward to the day when everything he says is totally wrong.

You Wouldn't Want to Live on "Earth's Cousin"

Despite the hype about another Earth-like exoplanet, Kepler 452b would not be as habitable as Venus.

China Celebrates Non-Discovery of Dark Matter

A huge dark matter detector in China celebrated the publication of its first results: nothing.

Big Bang's Lithium Problem Gets More Problematic

There's no escape; new measurements show far less lithium than predicted by the big bang, and more fine tuning than would be expected by chance.

News for the Birds

Our human readers are allowed to peek in on these headlines for and about our feathered intellectuals.

New Craters Found on Mars

Orbiters can count new craters forming on Mars, refining cratering rates. One spectacular new crater has appeared since 2010 with vivid rays.

Imagination Cures Falsifications of Darwinism

How many show-stoppers does it take to stop a show? With Darwinism, the show goes on despite multiple falsifications. The trick is to imagine solutions that don't require evidence.

A Brain Wouldn't Survive Star Travel

Don't take a star trek unless you want to arrive demented.

Mars Radiation May Not Be That Bad

Data from the Curiosity rover's RAD instrument seem to indicate astronauts could survive radiation reaching the surface.

Our Poisonous Moon: Better from a Distance

The moon stabilizes Earth's axis and regulates the tides, but enjoy it from a distance. Now there are more reasons you wouldn't want to live there.

Chernobyl Mutation Experiment Fails to Support Darwinism

Under mutational load, you don’t get a choice of “Evolve or Perish”; just the latter.
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