Waste Not, Want Not

In God’s natural economy, nothing is ever wasted   We learn in biology that plants use the carbon dioxide that we exhale, and we inhale the oxygen that plants and photosynthetic microbes release. Our skin flakes are food for microbes. Since fertilizer is made from cow manure, our solid waste could potentially have that function […]

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Stem Cell Update: Where Are the Cures?

Not the panacea they were once widely believed to be, because the body is more complex than formerly assumed.

How Tissues Could Last Forever

A tale from the crypt with a happy ending: eternal life.

Ethical Stem Cells Becoming Easier to Make and Use

Difficulties obtaining and using adult stem cells and IPSC's are being overcome, and that's good for all of us.

What’s Up with Stem Cells?

Stem cells were a huge issue a few years ago, but discoveries are still being made. Here's a wrap on stories in the news.

Humans May Have Lost Beneficial Traits

Imagine if you could regrow teeth all your life. Have we lost some capabilities during human history?

Real Creatures with Superpowers

Check out the capabilities of these amazing little critters.

Induced Stem Cells Get Faster, Better, Cheaper

Scientists have not only made the production of induced pluripotent stem cells much more efficient, but also have made them just as capable as embryonic stem cells of being able to produce any cell type.

Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs Continue

Adult stem cells continue to show promise as more about these pluripotent cells comes to light.

Are Embryonic Stem Cells Obsolete?

Adult stem cells can apparently do everything embryonic stem cells can – and they are moving regenerative medicine forward faster, with more results. Since the use of human embryos for research is ethically repugnant to many people, what motivations remain to continue the practice? Here is a rapid-fire list of stem cell news this month:
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