Moon Losing Its Water

The moon loses more water than it receives from the solar wind or meteorites. How long has that been going on?

Dust a Major Problem on Non-Earth Worlds

You can't just beam down to a planet and start walking around. That dust under your feet can cause major problems.
Earthrise 2015 LRO

Moon Bombarded by Crashing Theories

Strange things happen on our nearest neighbor. Stranger things happen in the heads of theorists trying to figure out our nearest neighbor.

Moon Just Got 100-fold Younger

New study of craters shows that moon's surface gets churned every 81,000 years, not every million years.

Dawn of a Young Ceres

The largest asteroid has a problem: she's too young to get a date.

Amino Acids Unlikely to Survive on Mars

UV radiation quickly degrades amino acids on most Martian minerals, a new study shows.

Moon Still Has Hot Core

Japanese scientists have determined that a soft, hot core remains in the center of the moon, contrary to expectations.

Every Planet Surprises Secular Astronomers, I: Inner Planets

"Surprise" or "puzzling" are the most common words in news reports about bodies in the solar system. Here are recent examples that discuss the inner planets.
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