Archive 2002: RNA, Vaporware, Mendel, and more

What has changed since May 2002? What remains the same?

Archive: Gates of the Cell, and More ID Evidence

These articles from March 2002 were interesting then and still are now.

Cool Tools in your Cellular Toolkit

Biochemists can't help using familiar tools to describe what they are finding in living cells.

Evolutionary Origin-of-Life Speculations Contradict Each Other

Good scientific approaches should converge on the truth. In secular origin-of-life studies, theories run off in all directions, often crashing into one another.

Mighty Mitochondria Conduct Energy Exquisitely

None of us could live without mitochondria. These are the power centers ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells. They contain molecular machines in factories whose jobs are to generate and conduct electrical currents. The currents run turbines that packetize the energy in molecules of ATP, which are then used by most processes in the cell. New discoveries continue to fascinate scientists with how mitochondria work. Some scientists use their energy to find ways Darwinian evolution could build the machinery of life.

Cell Operations Amaze, Inspire

A student's view of a cell under a light microscope is misleading.  It reveals only a tiny fraction of what is really going on.  Within that package of life, invisible to the student's gaze, complex machines work together in cellular factories.  Signals pass back and forth in complex networks.  Libraries of code are transcribed and […]
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