Origin-of-Life Theories Cheat

If accountants cooked the books like this, they'd serve jail time.

Astrobiology’s Fantasy Universe

The media glosses over difficulties in its blind quest to look for the 'emergence' of life on other planets.

Abiogenesis: The Origin of Lie

To get life from mindless molecules, fib a little. Ignore chance. Make it sound easy. Turn out the lights. Tell a story. Imagine.

Secularists Battle Over Which Life Theory Is More Wrong

Origin-of-life camps don't recognize that RNA-World theories and hydrothermal-vent theories suffer from the same basic problem.

OOL Without Bluffing Is Nothing

Count the hopeful "could" words in a speculative NASA Astrobiology myth.

Barbiturates in Darwin's Warm Little Pond

Are barbituates the missing links to the origin of life?

Minimal Cell Challenges Naturalism

Origin of life theorists face a much higher "Mount Improbable" seeing a minimal cell with 473 genes.

Fossils that Defy Old Ages

Here are three things assumed to be old that look young. It's only the presumption of old age that forces the claims of millions of years.

Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails

Astrobiologists and their accomplices in the media are finding life everywhere where it isn't or couldn't be. Time to call in the science rangers.

New Thoughts on Habitable Planets

Astrobiologists are trying to standardize the requirements for habitable planets. Do they get them all?

Primordial Soup as a Wizard's Potion

Certain concepts in materialistic origin of life seem to have more to do with witchcraft than reputable science.

Astrobiolo-SETI: Science or Fantasy?

Fantastical scenarios with no evidence – sometimes contrary to evidence – continue to get good publicity in science venues.

Origin of Life Faces Four Paradoxes

One show-stopper is enough, but a veteran origin-of-life researcher acknowledges four paradoxes in origin-of-life research that have never been solved.

Evolutionary Origin-of-Life Speculations Contradict Each Other

Good scientific approaches should converge on the truth. In secular origin-of-life studies, theories run off in all directions, often crashing into one another.

Findings That Comport With Genesis

The history of the world and its life could hardly be more different between the Bible's account and that of modern evolutionary naturalism. Some recent scientific reports fit with a designed, recent creation, and do not fit with evolution.
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