Fossils: Where’s the Evolution?

Animals larger than today's, appearing earlier than thought – how does that help Darwin's narrative?

Do These Fossils Show Evolution?

Before taking an evolutionist's word for it that a fossil organism evolved, we should look at the evidence.

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.

Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.

Fake Evolution Is Not Evidence

The media have a bad habit of calling things 'evolution' that fail to support the notion that people have bacteria ancestors.

Design of Life Update: Marine Biology

The animal stars of Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries are still in the news: this time, whales, dolphins, fish and sea turtles.

Biomimetics Line-Up

Here's what's hot in the trendy science of making things the way nature does it.

Scientific Ethics: A Reader Digest

For your weekend reading, here's a summary of news articles on various topics related to scientific integrity and ethics.

Biological Systems Provide Infinite Design Inspiration

It's not likely engineers and biologists will run out of inspiration from biology anytime soon. The source is infinite.

Lower Animals: "Lower" Does Not Mean "Simpler"

Here are a few "lower" animals worth knowing about. They reveal astonishing design throughout the living world, but little support for evolution.

Biomimetics Stories Showcase Natural Designs

Evolution is no match for five enthusiastic reports of scientists rushing to imitate animal designs.

Engineering Designs Found Throughout the Biosphere

News from biomimetics is coming in so fast, there's only time for brief mentions in a growing list of living designs worth copying.

Secrets of Three Amazing Animals Unveiled

Here are accounts of three very different animals whose behaviors have baffled scientists till now. Scientists are beginning to get at least partial answers for scientific mysteries by carefully observing and testing to see how things work.

Amazing Adaptations

All biologists agree – creationists and evolutionists alike – that organisms show remarkable adaptations to their environment. They differ only in their explanations for how they got that way. Here are some remarkable examples of adaptation that will challenge any theory of origins.
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