The Darwin Fail Comedy Show

Darwinian evolution is supposed to innovate new things, not remove them or conserve them. Here are the latest examples of "Darwin Fail" embarrassments.

Creatures Worth Knowing and Imitating

Studies of animals and cells reveal designs in nature we can appreciate and imitate.

Animal Excellence Exceeds Mere Survival

A tiny bird could live like other birds do without having to fly non-stop for 1,700 miles. Other examples abound of over-design in the animal world.

"Extreme Convergence" Strains Credibility of Darwinism

When completely unrelated animals or plants display the same engineering solution, is it reasonable to assume a blind, unguided process of selection achieved improbable outcomes multiple times? Is calling it "convergent evolution" meaningful? Here are three examples.

Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech

Incredible advancements in technology are coming from the imitation of nature, but engineers cannot yet attain animal performance.
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