Spider Webs Are Big Ears

A spider web is not just a trap for prey. It's also a giant acoustic sensory antenna.

Modern Cosmology Makes No Sense, Say Cosmologists

Don't take our word for it. Cosmologists are banging their heads against the wall.

Darwinians Cannot Agree on What Natural Selection Is

Controversies 159 years after Darwin have rendered his 'mechanism' a mystical idea, nebulous and incomprehensible. Has natural selection become the phlogiston of the 21st century?

Re-inventing Transportation by Watching Animals

Here are 3 ways science is advancing through the imitation of nature.

New Things to Learn About Your Body

These news items about the human body are likely to surprise and delight you with how well you are made.

Nose Has Gain Control

Sound engineers know how to use gain control to avoid “redlining” or saturating the signal while amplifying weak but important signals.  Your nose knows that trick, too. The sense of smell is complex because of the tremendous variety of odorant molecules that must be interpreted.  Molecules that trigger signals in the initial neurons trigger a […]
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