Major Evolutionary Analysis Tool Discredited

A widely-used tool, relied on in hundreds of thousands of studies, has been exposed as fundamentally flawed.

You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible)

With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture.

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

Reproducibility Crisis in Psychology, and Other Science Woes

Here's more evidence that human pride, greed and ambition can get in the way of the ideals of science.

Is Science Free of Miracles?

"No miracles" is a favorite phrase by an evolutionist who finds that perplexing problems always "yield to evolutionary thinking."

Venter: Life Is Robotic Software

What is life? It's software that runs biological robots, says a leading geneticist.
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