Human Brain: "Enormous Biochemical Complexity"

A new biochemical atlas finds consistency, complexity, and precision in the human brain.

Mind Your Brain

Recent discoveries about the brain and the mind reveal the wonders inside our skulls and pose deep philosophical questions.

Are You a Musical Animal?

Music continues to be a distinctively human trait, despite evolutionists' attempts to find its origin in mutation and natural selection.

Psychotherapy: Needs Reboot? or Just Boot?

The word “reboot” assumes a prior boot. You can’t reboot something that never booted up in the first place. The American Psychological Association is calling for “rebooting psychotherapy.” Is it even booted up? The press release begins with an admission that questions whether psychotherapy ever got powered on.

Are You a Glorified Ape?

Evolutionists cannot deny the large cognitive gaps between humans and the alleged nearest ancestors, the great apes.
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