Semantic Inflation Can Create False Trends

The rise in anxiety can look downright depressing. But maybe it's an artifact of "concept creep" instead.

More Proof that the Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Fake

Only an ignorant person would use the Dunning-Kruger Effect to shame you, says a mathematician.

Evolutionary Indoctrination Works When Debate Is Forbidden

Here is proof that evolutionary indoctrination works and that the evidence does not matter.

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Is Climate Change An Existential Threat?

There's an uncanny parallel between climate change and evolution: which is, how skeptics of the consensus are treated.

Scientist, Heal Thyself

People who play "King's X" in the science lab had better be aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities.

Brain Makes Automatic Statistical Inference

Your brain isn't a computer, but contains a powerful one.

What Is Scientifically Significant?

A common measure in scientific papers is under fire, possibly invalidating thousands of research papers.

Scientific Papers Can No Longer Be Trusted

How do you know a paper is not a hoax? or fake science? It's getting increasingly difficult to tell, and Big Science is worried.

Scientists Are Just as Morally Fraught as Other People

Working in a lab and publishing in a peer-reviewed journal does not offer immunity from the moral or logical lapses.

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

Scientists Blind to Their Failings

Scientism sounds appealing in theory. In practice, human scientists fall short of its ideals of enlightenment, progress and understanding.

The Myth of Science Self-Correction

Sounds good in theory: scientists check each other with peer review, and knowledge advances. In reality, scientists are only human.

Fossil Flaw Tosses Years of Evolutionary Research

Fossils may be real, but the methods used to analyze them have come under fire, with implications for Darwinian theory.

When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus

Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm.
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