Life Regulates Earth’s Climate

Climate modelers did not take into account biology. The earth has automatic mechanisms to regulate climate.

Smarty Plants

There's more going on in your local weed than scientists could have imagined in Linnaeus's day.

Cellular Wonders Coming Into Focus

At higher magnifications, the cell's nano machines become even more spectacular.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Three

It's hard to know where to stop with examples of Darwinian nonsense. For evolutionists, it's like April Fool every day. These are just some of the recent examples.

Empty Promises from Darwin Storytellers

Mainstream science media cast a false illusion of Darwinism's success by making promises in the headlines that the articles don't deliver.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.

Wilt Thou? Not with Guards in the Chem Lab

Plants avoid wilting with pairs of guard cells performing chemical wizardry.

If This Is Evolution, What Is Trivia?

Some science news articles appear confident about evolution, but offer little evidence except trivial change . Sometimes, they even offer evidence that contradicts their expectations. If this is evolution, what is trivia?
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