Darwinism as a Drug

It's an upper like laughing gas that makes the user act silly. It's a sedative like soma that depresses the sense of responsibility.

Sunflower Science Without Darwinism

Researchers do good work on sunflowers without descending into Darwinian storytelling   Is it possible to do biology without evolution? Can you even talk about fitness and reproductive success without attributing it to blind forces of nature? After all, healthy species do reproduce successfully, or else they would be extinct. Noting that does not require […]

Sunflower Motion Is Complex

They follow the sun, but how? Scientists are just finding out the mechanisms behind light tracking in sunflowers.

Sunflower Motion Is a Black Box

Something as commonly observable as sunflowers following the sun is difficult to explain.
Death Valley superbloom 2016

Death Valley Comes Alive

As if resurrected from the dead, forgotten seeds burst forth in a celebration of life in the hottest place on earth.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.

Evolutionary Enigmas

Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win.

What's New in Biomimetics?

It's hard to keep up with the numerous advancements in science coming from inspiration provided by natural design.

Nature: 3.8 Billion Years of R&D

Scientists continue mining the biomimicry bonanza, but some still give all the credit to time and evolution.

Inventors Covet Nature's Engineering

Scientists and entrepreneurs can't get enough of the design solutions found in the living world.
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