Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive

Last Saturday, we looked at news about Saturn and its rings. This "Saturn"-day we look at news about Saturn's moons.

Saturn, the Bringer of Youth

More discoveries of youthful phenomena contradict Gustav Holst's musical tribute to "Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age."

Stop the Silly Darwin Stories

What happens when consensus enforces conformity, and doubters are excluded? In the case of Darwinism, you get utter nonsense. This must end.

Pluto Has Active Geology

Convection apparently forms the polygonal cells in Sputnik Planum, a large active region on Pluto's surface.

Titan Takes the Age Stage

Saturn's giant moon has prompted a flurry of new science papers. Can anyone keep it billions of years old?

Are Saturn's Moons Younger than the Dinosaurs?

Stunning admissions show that secular astronomers can't keep Saturn's moons billions of years old.

Saturn Surprises

Cassini keeps revealing puzzling phenomena in the Saturn system that challenge traditional theories and date estimates.

Pluto Is Young

The New Horizons science team is stunned by surface features on Pluto and its large moon Charon that cannot be billions of years old.

Astronomy Grab Bag

For year's end, here's a clean-out of astronomy articles—from planetary science to cosmology—to motivate further inquiry.

Making Saturn's Moons with a Bang

Impacts are a favorite tool for planetary scientists to create beautiful things.

Saturn Moons Continue to Shine

Saturn just passed opposition on April 15, making it a good viewing object from Earth this season. Amateur observers with telescopes may be able to make out the moons Titan, Rhea, Dione, Iapetus, Tethys, and Enceladus. They may look like beautiful little gems from Earth, but from the Cassini spacecraft in orbit at Saturn, they are no less than astonishing. Recent observations of these moons add to the astonishment.
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