NASA Goes Loony: Moon Formed in Mere Hours?

Is it clickbait? NASA is claiming the moon formed within hours after a collision.

Earth Water Was Always Here

A new theory for the origin of Earth's oceans tries to make a splash again. This one says the Earth has always been wet.

Lunar Scientists Fight the Dust

This entry continues our recap of lunar science in the 50 years since Apollo 11.

Tilted Planets Throw Theories Off Kilter

An example of how data can be framed as success or failure, depending on the reporter's spin.

Solving Moon Origin Unsolves the Last Solution

The moon's origin has been "demystified," scientists are claiming. That's what they said last time.

Beware of Misinterpreting Water Claims

A claim of vast reservoirs of water deep in the earth is based on indirect evidence, and likely has little or nothing to do with surface water or floods.

Lunar Tunes: Do Impacts Ring a Bell?

By looking at current dust and craters, cosmologists think they can hear the echoes of an impact that created the moon. Is that lunar, or looney?

Planet Theories vs. the Evidence

Planet theorists are putting up a valiant fight against new findings, but in some cases, the evidence seems to be winning.
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