Rings Around Climate Theories

Tree ring data should provide accurate checks on climate models, right? It's complicated.

Radiocarbon Calibration Is Stretchy

The latest calibration curve for radiocarbon dating is raising eyebrows. Will it upset what is "known" about the past?

Radiocarbon Assumptions Questioned

Every dating method involves assumptions, because historical sciences are not repeatable like laboratory experiments.

Dating Method Assumptions Can Be Way Off

Poking holes in long-held assumptions can make you very unpopular.

Rethinking Fossils

Every time a new fossil turns up, a theory quakes. New evidence can subject a theory to the falsification test.

Radiation, Mistakes, and Assumptions

Three news items about atomic radiation should cause us to beware of academic overstatement.

More Reasons to Doubt Scientific Pronouncements

It’s unsettling to hear scientists say that long-held beliefs might be wrong, but that’s the nature of science. Scientific “findings” are tentative, not absolute. Some see this as a strength of science, but unless actual progress is demonstrated, that strength is called into question. Recent news casts doubt on various scientific methods and beliefs that had been trusted for a long time.
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