Media Secular Scientists Prefer Humans Extinct April 2, 2017 At a recent panel, scientists doubted whether it would be a good idea to revive the human species if it went extinct. CONTINUE READING
Media Anti-Creation Rhetoric Lacks Creativity June 8, 2014 One would think, after so many decades, the secular scientists would come up with some original arguments for combating their favorite nemesis, the creationists. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Atheists Usually Prosper Over Creationists in the Media May 25, 2014 With rare exceptions, atheists get the edge in media coverage over creationists. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Cosmos 2.0 Repeats the Flaws of Cosmos 1.0 March 17, 2014 Neil de Grasse Tyson is showing himself to be a good disciple of Carl Sagan, never questioning his master. CONTINUE READING
Media Cosmos TV Relies on Imagination, Not Science March 10, 2014 The first episode of the new Cosmos TV series makes it clear that imagination is its main message. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Here Comes Cosmos Again January 15, 2014 Carl Sagan's TV series Cosmos is coming back in version 2.0 with a new cast of atheists to spread the gospel of scientism. CONTINUE READING