Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

No, Atheists, Religions Are Not Equal

Religions do not always act as forces for good, but some are clearly evil.

Leftist Takeover of Science Continues

Nothing in science requires a scientific institution to take the liberal position on everything. Quite the opposite: science relies on traditional values.

Christianity Could Help Scientists’ Moral Concerns

When all else fails, look to the Word of God.

Big Science's Distorted View of 9/11

America's leading science journal is out of touch with most Americans when it comes to remembering what happened on 9/11/01.

"Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values

Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side.

Does ISIS Evolve?

This may be the winning candidate for worst Darwinian just-so story of the decade.

The Science Axis of Evil

By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers.

Did Man Create God, or Vice Versa?

Another theory is making the rounds that social groups invented moralizing gods to keep people under control.

Jordanian Teacher Indoctrinates Muslims in Darwinism

An observant Muslim teacher in a hijab tries to help her biology students become "free thinkers" – how? By teaching them Darwinian evolution.

Do Nature's Editors Want Another French Revolution?

By glorifying the French Revolution without mentioning its atrocities, Nature's editors give a terrible message about terrorism.

Harvard Evolutionists Justify Terror as Darwinian Fitness

Their "study" involved native tribespeople, but the amoral implications give aid and comfort to evildoers.

Is Scientism Ready for E.T.?

In speculating about the impact of extraterrestrials on world religions, an author neglected the impact on his own.

The Evil that Men Do: How Bad Governments Create Poverty

Ideas have consequences. When societies deny that all men are created equal, the masses suffer, even when surrounded by rich resources.

Are Aliens Part of Evolution’s Plan, Too?

What would the discovery of intelligent aliens mean for Christianity? A recent article made a splash asking that question. Maybe, though, the question should be turned around: what would it mean for evolutionary science?
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