A Martian Crust: Was It Alive?
David McKay, the father of the Martian meteorite that started feverish debates about life on Mars in 1996, is at it again. Now he thinks a mat of crusty soil was made by microbes, according to Space.Com.
In spite of the salty, acidic soil (see 08/06/04 headline), Gilbert Levin, also interviewed by Space.Com, thinks life on Mars is likely.
Give it up, David. There are more honest ways to get funding for new NASA missions than hyping the meagerest of circumstantial evidence while ignoring the problems. “Mars has all the conditions for life: water, energy, and organic substances, McKay pointed out.” One thing thou lackest: information. From whence cometh information, if not from intelligent design? That doth make all the difference between mat – and Matt.