Shedding Light on the Protein Big Bang Theory
The precise three-dimensional structure of a typical protein molecule is so complex, its origin would seem hopeless by chance. What if evolutionary biologists were to discover a whole host of proteins literally exploded into existence at the beginning of complex life? We can find out what they would think by looking at an article on the “protein big bang” found on Astrobiology Magazine.
10/22/2002). A team of scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne claims that “after eons of gradual evolution, proteins suddenly experienced a ‘big bang’ of innovation.” Astrobiology Magazine said, “A new study of proteins, the molecular machines that drive all life, also sheds light on the history of living organisms.”
How dramatic was the alleged protein big bang? The theory seems to want to explain simultaneous opposites: combining and splitting:
The active regions of many proteins, called domains, combined with each other or split apart to produce a host of structures that had never been seen before. This explosion of new forms coincided with the rapidly increasing diversity of the three superkingdoms of life (bacteria; the microbes known as archaea; and eucarya, the group that includes animals, plants, fungi and many other organisms).
Evolution seems to have quickly generated a host of “architectures” with diverse functions. They believe this all happened by chance and natural selection, but the authors used design language, describing the protein domains as “gears and motors that allow the protein machinery to work.” The innovation they were describing went beyond mere amino acid sequences. It involves the three-dimensional shapes of protein domains, or modules, whose functions are tied to the shapes.
The modules “have endured because perform critical tasks that are beneficial to the organisms that host them,” the lead author said. So they evolved explosively, according to this idea, then didn’t change for hundreds of millions of years. “These modules are resistant to change, they are highly integrated and they are used in different contexts,” he said, implying that they are resistant to evolution.
The authors put protein domains into an evolutionary timeline. They discerned slow, gradual change, then bang:
“Exactly at the time of the big bang,” he said, many of the combined domains began to split apart, creating numerous single-domain modules again. But these new modules were much more efficient and specialized than their ancient predecessors had been.
“This makes a lot of sense,” Caetano-Anoll?s said. “As you become more complex, you would want to fine-tune things, to do things in a more tailored way”….
“This explosion of diversity allowed the eucarya to do things with their proteins that other organisms could not do,” Caetano-Anoll?s said.
Gustavo Caetano-Anoll?s is professor of bioinformatics at the University of Illinois. The article was based on a press release from the University, which also claimed this study “sheds light on the history of living organisms.”
Once again, the evolutionists’ propensity for finding miracles in explosions, and slithering out of falsification, becomes painfully evident. If this “makes a lot of sense” to you, you need some serious deprogramming and a delousing bath. Do you see what these charlatans have done? They have turned evidence against evolution into a tall tale about evolution! Quick: read chapter 6 of our online book for a sanity check.
On top of that, these pseudo-scholars personified bacteria as tailoring and fine-tuning their machinery so that they could do things. You can’t talk that way in Darwinland. Teleology is verboten. As a last straw, Astrobiology Magazine, a NASA enterprise supported with your tax dollars, said these guys “used protein structures to gain insight into evolutionary events” and claimed this “is shedding light on the history of life on Earth.” Fie, fie, fie. Foul, foul, foul. Fui, fui, phooey. Dumb-de-dumb dumb.