October 11, 2013 | David F. Coppedge

Was Earth Like Io?

It apparently solves an old problem to propose that the early Earth was busting out all over with volcanoes, like Jupiter’s moon Io.

New Scientist recalled the shock of discovering an active world in the solar system.  It didn’t fit prevailing views, Michael Reilly wrote:

WE THOUGHT we knew the solar system. Apart from Earth, all the worlds out there were dead lumps freezing in the blackness of space. But when Voyager I started beaming back images as it flew by Jupiter’s moon Io in 1979, something wasn’t right.

The lack of craters, and then the sighting of an active plume, was one of the biggest surprises of the Voyager mission.  Now that we know there are other erupting bodies in the solar system, Space.com writes, why not spread the fun?  Imagine Earth was like Io.  The claim is based on a recent paper in Nature by Moore and Webb that proposes a heat-pipe model for earth earth heat transport: volcanic pipes proliferated during the early Earth’s “dark ages” (an evolutionary time with little evidence) to remove excess heat from the mantle, making our planet a little like Io, with volcanoes erupting everywhere.  So planetologists didn’t predict a small moon to be so active that we can see, but are now predicting a large world we live on was like Io, at a time we cannot see.

Louise Moresi, also writing in Nature, likes the model because it offers a resolution for the “Archaean Paradox.”  What is the Archaean Paradox, you ask?  He explains this little-known conundrum in the evolutionary model of our solar system:

Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago from collisions between proto-planetary fragments. At that time, enough heat was trapped to melt much of Earth’s interior; the segregation of the dense metallic core released still more heat; and a rich concentration of radioactive elements would have ensured that the interior stayed hot. This was the Earth of the Hadean eon, and only individual crystals are left of the rocks from that time. The first whole rocks in the geological record date from the Archaean eon, which started around 4 billion years ago. Despite all expectations of a hot young Earth, these first rocks reveal that the deep continental crust of the Archaean was no hotter than that of today. This puzzling observation is often known as the Archaean paradox. Reporting on page 501 of this issue, Moore and Webb offer a resolution to it.

Moresi simply glossed over the accretion problem, assuming the existence of large enough planetary fragments to collide.  Even so, Earth should have been a hot potato (but smaller Io should have cooled into a “dead lump freezing in the blackness of space” by now).  By getting Earth’s interior heat to come out through pipes, it largely bypassed the crust, he explained.  “About 3.5 billion years ago, Earth became cooler and plate tectonics took over.”  Nice & simple.  At least it seems to work with Moore and Webb’s “small-scale, two-dimensional, flat-Earth simulations.”

Ha! Evolutionists believe in a flat earth!  That’s the only kind where their models work.  We quote the eminent geophysicist, Stan Freberg:

It’s a round, round world
It’s a round, round world
I contend it’s round, and it’s gonna be found
When all the results are in
It’s a round world now, and it’s always been

Flat, flat world
It’s a flat, flat world
I insist it’s flat as a welcoming mat
‘Cause it makes all our models work
How about that, you crazy creation jerk?

Friend, get hip,
Would I give you such a tip
If I didn’t have odds the Earth was highly spherical?

It’s a miracle
If it is.

Crazy kind of scheme
It’s a cockamamie dream
If we don’t expel ’em, why then we’re gonna scream.


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