July 3, 2017 | Sal Cordova

Elite Geneticist Says Darwin Was an Ideological Figurehead (Video)

Submitted by Sal Cordova

Dr John C. Sanford, an elite scientist and inventor of 40 years at Cornell, an Ivy League School, made American history by inventing the Gene Gun in the mid 1980’s. This invention has been used for a highly substantial proportion of all the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on planet Earth, allowing food genes to be intelligently re-designed. As a result, millions of individuals have been able to avoid starvation.  His invention also increased our ability to study genomes and thus further scientific understanding. For these accomplishments, one of his inventions became part of the collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.

Early in his scientific career, Sanford accepted evolution, but after becoming a Christian, and after reading Michael Behe’s book Darwin’s Black Box, Sanford began a painful journey of rejecting all his former understanding and acceptance of evolution and realizing he had wasted so much of his life believing something untrue.  He tells part of his story in the opening pages of his book
Genetic Entropy.

Dr Sanford granted a rare 30 minute Skype interview with the Ratio Christi television program, “Truth Matters” (Ratio Christi is a campus organization seeking to provide college students with avenues to hear rational arguments for the gospel of Christ).  The episode was entitled: “Darwin Was An Ideological Figurehead, Not A Scientist (Ep. 11)”. It articulates many of the reasons he eventually rejected Darwinian evolution.


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