Awe Struck a Superpower Nerve

Got Awe? Go get some. It's good.

Stop the Silly Darwin Stories

What happens when consensus enforces conformity, and doubters are excluded? In the case of Darwinism, you get utter nonsense. This must end.

Habitability Requires the Right Kind of Star

This is a continuation of my discussion on the requirements to allow life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe.

More Sources of Error in Climate Models

We continue examiningfindings that call into question the certainty of scientific consensus about global warming. Here are interesting papers from leading peer-reviewed science journals.

Chinks in the Climate Science Data

Consensus can be more robust than the data it rests on. That's true in Darwinism, and appears to be true in climate science, according to some published doubts.

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.

Explorer 1 Pioneer Corrects Mistakes in Article

Dr Henry Richter, instrument manager for the Explorer 1 mission (1958), corrects some mistakes about the mission in an article published at

Paleontologist Spills Beans on Evolutionary Emptiness

A noted evolutionary paleontologist reviews a new book on evolutionary mechanisms favorably, but gives Darwin skeptics ammo in the process.

Atheists Don’t Trust Atheists

If atheists think they can be just as moral as religious people, see what they think of other atheists.

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets

by Dr Henry Richter For a number of years I have been amused to watch many in the scientific community conduct a frantic campaign to identify life elsewhere in the universe. There has been a plethora of articles and significant dollars dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, particularly intelligent life. In recent times several […]

Scientists Pressured to Go PC on Gender

Secular scientists face a dilemma: say what is politically correct, or state the biological facts about human sexual differences.

Cultural Evolution Theory: Darwin Fail on Arrival

Here's why theories on the evolution of human culture are doomed from the get-go.

Dishonesty Undermines Trust in Big Science

Before they can tell the public what is true about the world, scientists had better get a handle on honesty. You can trust a scientist – to be fallible. Science is not entirely ‘out there’ in the world. Its findings are always mediated through fallible humans. And lately, there has been a flurry of concerns […]
Cassini at Saturn

Cassini Has Not Made Saturn’s Rings Old

After 13 years in orbit, Cassini data still show conflicting interpretations for the age of Saturn's rings.
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