October 24, 2024 | David F. Coppedge

How Geologists Rescue Deep Time

Samples from geological press releases
illustrate the art of theory rescue


In science, anomalies often turn up that don’t conform to consensus views of how things should be. Mainstream geologists, having embraced Deep Time, and having rejected creation and a global flood, cannot think outside their worldview. Here are a couple of examples of how they save their view from the data.

Deep time is assumed in all the national parks, secular textbooks and popular science websites.

Echoes from the past: a geological mystery unravelled on Easter Island (16 Oct 2024, Utrecht University). In St Paul’s Day, the mainstream politicians accused Christians of having “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). The accused might have argued it was already upside down and they were turning it back right side up.

This modern press release begins, “Tiny minerals turn textbooks upside down.” Maybe the textbooks were already upside down. Priority should be given to observations. By invoking special pleading, the geologists keep the textbooks upside down by turning the anomaly into a unique case. Read how they did it in this press release.

Ancient climate analysis reveals unknown global processes (9 Oct 2024, Stanford Report). The climate consensus is one of the Laws of the Misdeeds and Perversions that must not be altered. And yet, behold: an anomaly that violates the law!

A search for ancient deposits of sandy material expected at continental margins has come up empty. This prominent geological gap hints at poorly understood, powerful, global-scale erosion processes, illustrating profound changes caused by climate upheaval.

Since a global Flood has been ruled out from the outset, the geologists cannot even think in those terms. So they come up with a theory rescue that is sure to please the funders: climate change!

In summary, secular geology is a game. It’s goal is to preserve Deep Time for Darwinism. Rule #1: Ignore creationists. Rule #2: Explain anomalies that look like a recent Flood by inventing stories to keep them old. These include, but are not limited to, dinosaur soft tissue, flat undisturbed strata, huge time gaps, rock strata that bent without breaking.

The links in this post are offered in brief for interested readers who might wish to pursue the subjects further. Reporting at CEH will be sparse for the next few weeks.

Recommended Reading: See Bill Hoesch’s list of “Ten Evidence at Grand Canyon for a Global Flood” posted here 30 June 2017.

To believe the evolutionary timeline, you have to accept multiple huge time gaps.


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