Much Ado About Ryugu
March 23, 2023
Uracil, a molecule found in RNA, has been reported in an asteroid. From media hype, one would think they discovered life.
Trilobite Ocelli Found; Like Compound Eyes, They Popped Into Existence
March 21, 2023
The so-called median eyes of many arthropods were thought to be missing in trilobites, but have now been discovered.
Life Is Devolving from a Past World of Giants
March 20, 2023
Almost every type of organism was larger in the past. Why is the world impoverished of giants today?
Monkey Business with Tools, Bones, and Brains
March 16, 2023
Darwinians can be so intent on evolving men from ape ancestors, they can make monkeys of themselves.
Darwinism, a Worldview for Bigots
March 15, 2023
Within Darwinism, you don't have to debate Darwin skeptics. All you have to do is mudsling and call names.
Ichthyosaurs Did Not Evolve; They Appeared Suddenly
March 14, 2023
Evolutionists have a new falsification to deal with, and it packs a double punch
Darwinists Try to Overcome Just-So Story Reputation
March 13, 2023
Try as they might, theorists cannot turn Darwinism into a mechanistic law of science.
Big Science Embraces Disinformation
March 10, 2023
If it's for the common good, lying and manipulating the public is justified, say leftist totalitarians in academia.
Horsemanship Began Recently
March 9, 2023
Evolutionists claim that intelligent humans existed a million years ago, but only learned to ride a horse a few thousand years ago.
Chernobyl Dogs Survive Without Evolving
March 8, 2023
Stray dogs left behind after the Chernobyl accident are still living and reproducing, but not becoming more fit.
How Secular Institutions Can Do Design Science
March 7, 2023
Design science is done any time a scientist assumes a purpose and looks for it. No overt appeals to religion or ideology are needed.
Silly Darwin Stories Continue
March 6, 2023
Macroevolutionary theory is in tatters, but it hasn't stopped Darwin storytellers from fantasizing.
Macroevolutionary Theory Evaporates
March 3, 2023
Evolutionists boisterously advertise their theory as a fact. Looking under the hood, though, one finds hot air and broken promises.
Supernova Remnants Expand Quickly
March 2, 2023
The remains of one of the few historically-observed supernovas has expanded 5.5 times faster than expected.
Keep Darwinists Out of the Hospital
March 1, 2023
The ones who brought us eugenics and purposeless existence want to "help" your doctors. No way!
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