Ribosome Self-Assembly Is Not Evolution

So many pieces have to be placed in the right order, chance is ridiculously out of luck.

Brain Science Needs a Rethink

Have the sciences of the mind, from psychology to neuroscience, really grasped what's going on inside our skulls?

Landslides on Pluto Happened Quickly

If Pluto is really 4.6 billion years old, something happened almost instantaneously out there some time ago. In planetary science, where experts are accustomed to thinking everything is billions of years old, sudden unique events present problems. Almost everything should have settled down by now into a routine. One can certainly argue for exceptions, where […]

Unique Fossils Defy Evolution

When fossils are found of one-off creatures without apparent relatives, how could Darwinism explain that?

You Can’t Fool a Venus Flytrap

It knows when you are trying to feed it something dead.

Teach Science in the Yard

Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health.

Tooth Evolution Confusion Vindicates Creation Dentist

The leading expert in fossil teeth admits that tooth evolution still eludes Darwinists.

Tough Guys Bow at the Cross

Portraits of three heroic strong men alive today who have humbled themselves before Jesus, calling him Lord.

Human Body Marvels You Probably Don’t Know About

Here's news of interest to everyone who inhabits a human body. Space aliens, eat your heart out.

Botanical Marvels: How Plants Catch Light and Take Flight

Land plants enhance our world in many ways, but some of the most amazing ways are at the micro level and atomic level.

Viruses in Context

A microbiologist explains the extreme abundances of viruses and the many good things they do for us.

Surprising Fossils: Flying and Swimming Reptiles

Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life.

Viruses: A Scourge or Gift to Mankind?

In a perfect world, they would be gifts to help life, not afflict it. And most of the time, they fulfill beneficial roles.

Plant Ancestry – Where are the Lines of Descent? – Part 1

A botanist explains why the unique characteristics of land plants defy common ancestry by a Darwinian process.

Watch Illustra Classics Free

Are you quarantined at home? Illustra Media has opened its treasure chest and is streaming its classic films for free.
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