You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)

Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?

More Benefits of Exercise

Diet and exercise; we know we should do better. Here are more motivations to get up and work out.

How to Lubricate Your Body’s Gears

You have gears in your spine. Ask these Swedish researchers who say so, and learn some gear maintenance skills, too.

Long Necks Without Evolution

What do giraffes and sauropods have in common? A new paper shows how you can seek answers without Darwin's help.

Dino Skin with Blood Vessels, Proteins Found

So well preserved is a hadrosaur's skin, the remnants of blood vessels and pigments are still visible with original molecules present.

Marine Reptile Found With Intact Skin

Scientists at Lund University say, "Remarkably preserved fossil sea reptile reveals skin that is still soft."

Exchanging One Myth for Another

Scientists gleefully chuckle at one ethnic myth only to replace it with a more incredible one.

Watch the Christmas Lights in Your Muscles

Scientists use fluorescent tags to shine light on the biggest proteins in the human body.
James Clerk Maxwell, 1831 - 1879

Maxwell’s Equations Touch Quantum Mechanics

MIT physicists are cheering a breakthrough that celebrates the applicability of Maxwell's theory to the nano scale.

Watch: Illustra Introduces 2-Minute Wonders

Branching off from hour-long documentaries, Illustra Media started releasing quick, shareable video jewels.
Amazing Facts

Body Wonders to Be Thankful For

You may not have much money or fancy belongings, but you live in the greatest traveling home one could wish for.

Get Brainwashed in Your Sleep

Our Maker designed an important cleanup function that takes place in our sleep.

How the Cell Handles Oxygen: A Nobel Prize Discovery

Another amazing body function discovered – cellular oxygen regulation. It won three researchers the Nobel Prize.

Wood Buried Under Ocean Floor Thousands of Miles at Sea

Wood chips hundreds of feet deep in ocean sediments have been found. How did they get there?

Human Body Capabilities Uncovered

More surprises about the body come to light, including the ability to regrow cartilage.
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