Unusual Things to Be Thankful For

It's Thanksgiving Day in America. Here are some things to add as you count your blessings.

Evolutionists Add Another Magic Wand: Climate Change

When mutation, selection and deep time fail, evolutionists can now rely on climate to work mindless miracles.

Intelligent Design Falls from Trees

Illustra Media does outstanding work portrayinig design in simple everyday things. Here is the latest beautiful example.

Human Birth Canal Is Well Designed

Human Birth Canal Shown To Be Well Designed, Thereby Demolishing one of the Last Few Remaining Claims of Poor Design.

Spider Webs Are Big Ears

A spider web is not just a trap for prey. It's also a giant acoustic sensory antenna.

Climate Change Meets Evolution

They seem like different subjects, but they have a lot in common.

Unmasking Evolutionary Fairy Tales

They sound so scholarly, but the tales fall apart without the secret miracle flubber. Here's how to find it.

New Illustrated eBook Shows Design in the Human Body

Color illustrations and fascinating facts make this educational book of interest to everyone, not just students

Hot Chimps! No Evolution Here

What does a new study about savanna chimpanzees say about evolution? Anything the evolutionists want it to say.

Miller Experiment Still Sells Building Blocks of Lie

After nearly 68 years, the Miller Experiment still has propaganda value. Update: just add glass chips, get more lies.

Evolution by Subtraction Has No Teeth

Darwin won't get very far when complex traits are lost by natural selection.

Pterosaur Flight Design Confounds Evolutionary Theory

Is natural selection really capable of optimizing flight four different ways? If so, it must have godlike powers.

Bone Wonders Celebrated

Illustra Media's newest short film is a masterpiece of animation and design evidence in the human body.

Friday Funnies: Why Our Ancestors Left the Trees

Plot Heterogeneity allows evolutionists to imagine any story that keeps Darwin reigning as chief storyteller.

Planetary Scientists Are Myth-Directed

They imagine life on every planet. But it is illogical to build a case on a sample size of one.
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