Origin of Life OOL Follies for the Gullible October 11, 2019 The origin of life is perhaps the tallest hurdle for evolutionists. But they imagine leaping over it. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Antibiotic Resistance Is Shared, Not Evolved October 10, 2019 Growing evidence undermines commonly-cited examples of evolution happening right before our eyes. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Ancient Israeli City Was Already Advanced October 7, 2019 One of the earliest archaeological sites ever found in Israel is being described as the 'New York' of its day. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Psychologist, Fix Your Own Problems October 6, 2019 Evolutionary psychologists dare to tell normal people about their problems. They have enough of their own. CONTINUE READING
Solar System News for Saturn-Day October 5, 2019 This entry scours some of the latest papers from Cassini for statements about the age of Saturn and its rings and inner moons. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Nature Inspires Intelligent Design October 4, 2019 Scientists are inspired by nature's designs, why? Maybe it's because they are designed. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Recapitulation Theory Zombie Needs Permanent Burial October 3, 2019 Haeckel's myth that embryos relive their evolutionary past keeps reviving. Evolutionists need to give it up. CONTINUE READING
Physics Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters October 2, 2019 Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Anti-Theism Makes Cosmologists Go Crazy September 30, 2019 Professing themselves to be wise, the professors became fools. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Moral Passion by Evolutionists Makes No Sense September 29, 2019 One needs a timeless, universal standard to declare what people should do. Evolution has no such thing. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation September 27, 2019 No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film September 26, 2019 Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Are There As Many Stars as Sand Grains? September 22, 2019 A video clip from Illustra Media attempts to answer a common question: How many stars are there? CONTINUE READING
Birds Bird Development in Stunning Video September 16, 2019 The orchestration of a bird from egg to chick is shown in astonishing detail by Illustra Media. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself September 14, 2019 Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible. CONTINUE READING