Mammals Mammals With Inspiring Snouts January 22, 2022 Mammal species with remarkable noses give scientists an education and inspiration. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Why Whales Did Not Evolve January 16, 2022 Illustra has packaged a "whale of a story" against evolution into a powerful short video. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Giants Are Hard to Evolve January 12, 2022 Extreme convergence leaves evolutionary paleontologists scrambling for just-so stories to fool the public. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils Don’t Speak; Evolutionists Do January 11, 2022 Evolutionists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations. They conclude that many evolutionists are forcing their assumptions on the fossils. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Still Blunder about Natural Selection January 8, 2022 One of the greatest ongoing fallacies about Darwin's theory is that natural selection is a creative genius. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Help Darwinists Kick the Habit in 2022 January 3, 2022 Out with the old dogma, "It evolved!" In with the new realism, "Just the Facts." CONTINUE READING
Mammals Leaky Mitochondria Keep Sea Otters Warm December 14, 2021 Darwin-free research on sea otters might have benefits for humans. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwinists Twist Causation December 2, 2021 Philosophers know that correlation is not causation. Darwinists routinely forget that. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Horses Make Stone Tools December 1, 2021 Animals can make stone tools not to use them as tools, but for fooling paleoanthropologists. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Darwin-Free Science Is Possible November 29, 2021 Scientists can just report the evidence without evolutionary stories. Here's a good example and a bad example. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Watching Butterfly Designs Assemble November 24, 2021 A press release from MIT shows that great biological science can be done without mentioning evolution. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Falls from Trees November 21, 2021 Illustra Media does outstanding work portrayinig design in simple everyday things. Here is the latest beautiful example. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Spider Webs Are Big Ears November 16, 2021 A spider web is not just a trap for prey. It's also a giant acoustic sensory antenna. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Downsizing Evolution’s Credit Balance November 12, 2021 Evolution takes credit for many things that have nothing to do with Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Junk DNA Goes the Way of the Vestigial Organs Myth November 11, 2021 Yet another study finds that “Junk DNA” has a critical role in mammals. CONTINUE READING