Tiny Life Benefits the Whole World

Some very small organisms can produce global effects, such as the tiny crustaceans that stir the oceans every night. What would the oceans be like without life? If minerals, gases and nutrients had to mix by diffusion, the process would be very slow. Wind and currents could help somewhat. Now, Houghton et al., publishing in […]

The Information Packed Into a Bird Egg

There's more in a bird's egg than can be accounted for by the Reverse Humpty Dumpty Hypothesis (i.e., Darwinism).

Do These Fossils Show Evolution?

Before taking an evolutionist's word for it that a fossil organism evolved, we should look at the evidence.

Biomimetics Parade Marches Upward

Scientists continue to find amazing things about animals and plants that they wish to imitate in technology.

How Long Does Geology Take?

Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization.

Paley’s Watch Found

There actually is a clock in the heath, and it's in our bodies, too.

Earwig Origami and Maple Seed Rockets

Engineering solutions from unlikely organisms inspire applications for wide-ranging human needs.

Diatoms: A Case Study in Darwinian Explanation

Some of the most beautiful, elegant, and vital organisms on earth demand a better explanation than 'stuff happens over and over.'

City Trees Give More in Ecosystem Services Than They Cost

City planners need to plant more trees in urban areas, but the benefits go beyond beautifying pavement. Urban areas occupy 4% of the land surface of the planet, says Theodore A. Endreny in a Comment article in Nature Communications. That may strike readers as surprising, given most people’s attention to cities for work, travel and […]

Darwinism as an All-Purpose Story Plot

Observations are just props. The play is, “The Evolution of Whatever” or “How Whatever Evolved.” Now playing in science media near you. As a play, Darwinism has two subplots: natural selection and sexual selection. With a little creative screenwriting, any observation in nature can be fit into either or both subplots, provided the perhapsimaybecouldness index […]

More Fossil Forests Found in Antarctica

The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers.

Elephants and Mammoths Were All One Kind

A new study of elephants, mammoths and mastodons show they were all interfertile or capable of hybridization. Our present world is impoverished of elephants, or “elephantids” as scientists dub the family. Mammoths and mastodons roamed throughout America and Asia, evidenced by the massive fossil beds, where millions of mammoth bones can be found in permafrost. […]

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.

Pterosaurs and Birds Flew Together

Archaeopteryx flew as well as a pheasant, say paleontologists, and pterosaurs prospered right up to the moment of extinction.

Media Give Absurdity a Pass If It Is Materialistic

It's amazing what you can get away with saying as long as you pledge allegiance to Charles Darwin's impersonal, unguided worldview.
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