No Evidence for Bone Evolution

Research into the cells and structure of bone supports the creation view: bones are designed.

How to Be a Meat-Head Though Smart

Answer: Become a Darwinist. It allows you to show off vocabulary and biology while making up silly stories.

Classic Half-Truth: Humans Are Mere Animals

Sure, Homo sapiens are vertebrates, mammals and primates. A new book says that is all we are.

South Americans Genetically Linked to Australasians

Genetic evidence shows South Americans are genetically connected with Asians and Australians.

Scientists Pushing Ethical Lines with Human Embryos

Scientists are bad at policing themselves. What they can do and what they should do are two different things.

“It Evolved” Is Not Science

Secular scientists have a bad habit of carelessly appealing to evolution as a default explanation for everything.

Neanderthal Man: Paleoanthropology Evolving from Racism to Brotherhood

Racism everywhere: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens? A 2021 study shows they were just people groups within Homo sapiens.

Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted

Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief.

Mammalian Middle Ear Evolution: Story Gets More Wobbly

Analysis of new fossils makes a fantastic evolutionary tale even more unbelievable. Middle ears show intelligent design, not evolution.

You Are More than a Primitive Fish

Consider this headline: "We’re more like primitive fishes than once believed." Why aren't people insulted?

Thumbs Down on Human-Ape Evolution

Our unique thumbs: another attempt to explain the chasm between humans and chimps fails.

A Sound Mind Is Reborn

Is ultrasound a path into the minds of some "locked-in" patients?

Matched Design in Human Reproduction Defies Evolution

This excerpt from Henry Richter's book illustrates amazingly complex design in human reproduction.

Darwinists Still Attempting to Prove Criminality is Genetic

  The idea that criminality represents a throwback to our pre-modern stage of human evolution, (i.e., to the innate aggressiveness of our survival-of-the-fittest animal ancestry) was disproved over a century ago. Shamefully, it’s back. by Jerry Bergman, PhD. Introduction Phrenology, the art of divining personality by evaluating bumps on the human head, is one of […]

Scientists Apologize for Racism, cont: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The apology barely mentioned another incident that showed how scientific racists mistreated blacks for 40 years. Here's the scoop.
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