Darwin’s Racism Under Fire

The truth finally comes out in a leading science magazine: Darwin was a first-class racist.

Evolution Explains Nothing

Make up a nonsense word. It conveys just as much understanding as saying, "It evolved."

Scientists Chip Away at Ethics

When a human being is a commodity, atrocities follow. The time to stop it is before acceleration down the slippery slope.

Science Capitulates to Leftism

Finding any science journal or science reporter who takes a conservative position is hopeless now.

Scientists Are Warming Up to UFOs

What has long been dismissed as fanaticism about UFOs has lately gone mainstream. What’s up? There have always been UFOs, as unidentified flying objects. In that category, even birds or the planet Venus qualify – until they are identified. But claims that UFOs represent advanced technologies of enemy countries or (gasp!) space aliens have long […]

Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence

Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true.

Can You Have Godliness without God?

Secular scientists attempt to promote righteousness through human effort.

The Magical World of Darwin

Darwin bequeathed to humanity a world of miracles that happen constantly. How did he know? Things exist; therefore they evolved.

Was the Coronavirus Intelligently Designed?

A major controversy is arising in scientific communities about which is the correct origin story for SARS-CoV-2.

Christians Are Not Lab Rats

Social scientists who try to put Christians in their test tubes have the roles completely reversed.

Improbable Rafting Is Central to Darwinism

Evolutionary theory requires rare improbable events, but stuff happens in millions of years, they say.

Mass Burial of Tyrannosaurs Misinterpreted

The secular scientists say that scattered bones of five tyrannosaurs that died together proves that they were "gregarious."

Get Real: Evolutionists Are ‘Likely’ Clueless

Let's analyze what Darwinists think are 'likely' scenarios about how and when complex organisms evolved or went extinct.

Pterosaur Beats Giraffe

A flying reptile with a neck longer than a giraffe's? Could it fly at breakneck speed without breaking its neck?

The Bad Aftertaste of Cannabis Legalization

God created bodies for health. One should expect problems when policies compromise health for pleasure and money.
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