Rock Art Is Not a Pterosaur

When new information falsifies your hypothesis, you accept it and move on. Darwinians need to learn that, too.

Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis

Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do?

People Portrayed as Predator Plague on Planet

Humans are exceptional, all right; they kill everything else. What would Darwin do?

Adult Stem Cells Coming of Age

Who needs human embryos? Treatments with ethically-pure adult stem cells are moving from the lab to the doctor's office.

Give Early Man More Credit

From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them.

Science Reporters Don't Even Try to Be Politically Neutral

More evidence that when politics and ethics are in the news, science reporters will inevitably gravitate to the far-left position.

Massive Wall and Gate Found at Goliath's Hometown

Excavations at Gath confirm Biblical history in multiple ways.

Trafficking in Human Parts Nothing New

Shocking videos of abortionists selling baby body parts is only the latest in a long line of Darwinian ethical barbarities.

Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI

Yuri Milner gathered the SETI believers and gave them a pile of money to find aliens.

Science Site Rationalizes Sales of Baby Body Parts

The video that shocked the nation—Planned Parenthood selling fetal organs—is whitewashed by a science website.

No Scientific Method Can Generate Integrity

The frequency of articles about misconduct, fraud and reproducibility show that scientists' integrity cannot be assumed by a "scientific method."

Conservatives Benefit Society

If many social ills derive from lack of self-control and poor judgment, governments should foster conservatism.

For Shame, Psychologists

A psychologist points out the flaws in his field, including useless tropes that have utterly failed for decades.

Where Do Marriage Rights Come From?

There is only one reliable source for a "right"—and that is a directive from the only possible giver of rights.

Brain Size Myth Won't Die

Evolutionists continue to push the idea that bigger brains offer better fitness, despite repeated empirical problems.
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