Abortion "Science" Shows Its Deathly Bias

When science reporters discuss the biggest ethical issue of our day, they show no concern for the unborn.

Human Epoch or Epic Hubris?

Evolutionary geologists are toying with an idea for a new time period, the "Anthropocene Epoch." What for?

Of Brontosaurus, Cartoons, and Revisionism

With the resurrection of Brontosaurus as a valid dinosaur name after a century of repudiation, what's a kid to think? Thoughts on science's arbitrary and tentative nature.

Secular Scientists Rely on Biblical Values

It's a material world, except when you need truth, justice, and the scientific way.

When Darwinists Tolerate Faith

Francis Collins gets tolerable coverage in the secular media for his brand of Christian faith. That's not necessarily good.

How to Doubt a Consensus

You don't need to be a "denialist." Just read the fine print in their own publications, and understand the limits of science.

The Politics of Happiness

Sometimes scientists get it right, and sometimes they get it wrong. Humans are too complex to fit pet theories, but even scientists can notice what works.

Scientific Method Evolves

There is no scientific method. There are customary procedures that depend on the field; these are subject to mutation and artificial selection.

Majority of Biology Teachers Hesitant About Evolution

Secular scientists are at a loss over how to get their favorite origins story, Darwinian evolution, a more confident presence in schools.

ISIS Atrocities: Does Outrage Evolve?

What will it take to turn outrage into action, if genocide won't? Destruction of antiquities? What would Darwin do?

Freedom: The Best Conservation Strategy

Do-gooder environmentalists trying to save the Amazon rainforests make the problem worse.

Ghost of Scientific Racism Not Busted

A 1920 science project was "preposterous and disgraceful," but have today's scientists learned the lesson?

Darwin-Loving Democrat Takes Helm of AAAS

Former Congressman Rush D. Holt gives his inaugural editorial in Science Magazine.

Can an Evolved Brain Choose Good and Evil?

If the brain evolved, wouldn't anything the mind does be determined by forces beyond one's control?

Science Can Dumb Down, Corrupt, and Mislead the Public for Decades

It's impossible to present so-called scientific "findings" about the human mind that are morally neutral.
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