The Holly and the I.D. – News from Epigenetics

Holly leaf shape may be due to epigenetic control – one of several recent developments in the field of epigenetics.

Eye Retina Is Analog-to-Digital Converter

Before you see, your retina has done multiple digital transformations on the incoming signal.

Make Like a Dog, Owl, or Beetle: How Biomimetics Will Improve Our Lives

The greatest breakthroughs in health and engineering may be as near as the back yard: 13 more stimulating stories from biomimetics.

Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs Continue

Adult stem cells continue to show promise as more about these pluripotent cells comes to light.

Proteins Conduct Electricity

A remarkable finding at the single-molecule level shows a protein can conduct a large amount of electricity.

Y's Guys Have a Marvel, Not Junk

The Y chromosome is making a comeback. It's not junk, it's an "evolutionary marvel."

Jellyfish for Your Health

Jellyfish have inspired a cancer cell search tool – just one of new products and services inspired by nature.

"Very Unreal and Fantastic": Electric Cables Created by Bacteria

Researchers discovered bacteria at the ocean floor that conduct electrons at distances more than a centimeter through elaborate cables.

Evolutionists Indulge in Navel-Gazing

Sampling bacteria inhabiting our belly buttons sounds like fun, but do the results tell an evolutionary story?

Two Houdini Escapes in Origin-of-Life Speculations

Serious challenges to naturalistic origin of life theories (OOL) are wiggled out of magically in two pro-evolution articles.

Inventions Inspired by Mother Nature's Designs

Biological solutions to physical challenges are inspiring new technologies.

Mutations and Duplications: Pools of Innovation?

Creationists looked in what evolutionists called "junk DNA" and found gems. Evolutionists are still looking for their gems in junk mutations.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue Case Strengthened

At a meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Mary Schweitzer gave more evidence she found soft tissue in dinosaur bone.

Weekend Grab Bag

Here are links to recent science findings and claims sure to stimulate thinking and further research.

Animal Models for Technology

Animals and microbes continue to inspire technologies that could provide better health and security.
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