Lazy Darwinists Abuse Science

The Darwin storytelling empire has become fat and lazy, abandoning the hard work of empiricism for tantalizing speculations.

Does Transgenderism Have an Evolutionary Benefit?

The left seems blind to the science behind the transgender movement and may end up regretting their support.

Cell Repair Requirement Demolishes Origin-of-Life Speculation

A biology professor who came out of a Darwinian communist country explodes origin-of-life speculation with real world facts about genetic repair mechanisms.

Neanderthal Racism Continues

The evidence shows that Neanderthals were fully human, having shared genetic information with us. Why, then, do Darwin Supremacists continue to treat them as "other" than human?

Cells Teach Humans About Design

Biomimetics extends to the cellular level, where extraordinary processes show engineers the right way to do things.

Plants Teach Humans About Design

Plants, too, come loaded with graduate-level information they communicate to anyone willing to observe.

Animals Teach Humans About Design

They may not be able to talk, but living things communicate graduate level information about physics, chemistry and intelligent design.

More Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body

You can live in it without knowing much about it, but these facts should add to your sense of awe.

Darwinism as a Post-Observation What-If Game

The silly evolutionary spin put on observations of the natural world do not contribute to science; they cheapen it.

Everything Scientists Assumed About Human Evolution Needs a Major Rethink

In short, the paleoanthropology field is a confusing mess.

AAAS Tries to Downplay Dinosaur Soft Tissue

The biggest bombshell of the century in paleontology threatens evolutionary time. It's not surprising that the AAAS would want to put out the fire.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 6: Chemistry and Probability

In this final segment about habitability of exoplanets, Dr Henry Richter looks at chemistry and probability.

Saturnians Are Safe from Cassini Germs

Cassini scientists crashed their spacecraft into Saturn today in order to protect possible life forms on Titan, Enceladus and other moons.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 5: Water and Rock

by Dr Henry Richter There is much interest in searching for life elsewhere in the Universe. In previous articles I talked about the many criteria describing conditions and circumstances required to establish and maintain life on a planet. I talked about the importance of the location of the planet in its solar system. The location […]

Deadly Effects of Single Mutations

Is this the raw material for Darwinian evolution? The genetic mutations we observe can be catastrophic.
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