100,000 Galaxies Without a Sign of Life

An orbiting infrared telescope found no clear signs of life in 100,000 galaxies.

Evolutionist Reveals Magical Beliefs

Introducing the "Poof!" Theory of Evolution.

More Attempts to Explain Chirality

Despite the hype in some reports, the highly-designed experiments only underscore the problem for origin of life theories.

Water Worlds Tempt with Life, Not Youth

More and more planets and moons are suspected of having liquid water, but what should be the logical implications?

Majority of Biology Teachers Hesitant About Evolution

Secular scientists are at a loss over how to get their favorite origins story, Darwinian evolution, a more confident presence in schools.

Darwinians Fill Gaps With Magic

Like rabbits in a magic show, things just "appear" on the Darwin stage. And like magicians, Darwinians don't reveal how the trick is done.

Chance as Evolution's God

Astrobiologists and their reporters completely ignore probability in their belief that life began by chance.

Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories

National Geographic gives Bill Nye the Science Guy an open mike to make unchallenged generalities, with feeling.

Is Pareidolia a Hypothesis?

Some astrobiologists see possible signs of life in Martian soil photographed by a rover. The rover project scientist begs to differ.

Magic Ribosome Appears as Missing Link

A father-daughter team takes on the "selfish gene" concept and considers the ribosome as the "missing link" for lucky LUCA.

Comets Are Not Life Givers

Astrobiologists dream of comets as bearers of life in spite of—not because of—the data from Rosetta's comet.

Astrobiology Has No Bio

When you take the "bio" out of astrobiology, what do you get? Is it still a science?

Mars Methane Is Not Alive

Small periodic spikes in methane on Mars are turning the Mars-lifers into spin doctors.

Comet Ocean Theory Debunked

Data from the Rosetta mission debunk the notion that comets brought Earth's ocean water. Now they're hoping asteroids could have.

Astrobiology Hopes Diminish

Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe.
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