Mars Rivers Carved by Lava, Not Water

A controversial theory is being revived: lava carved Mars channels. This could discourage hopes to find life on the red planet.

When Is a Fossil Not a Fossil? Oldest "Fossil" Debunked

Certain trace fossils said to be 3.45 billion years old are probably not fossils at all, a reassessment finds.

SETI Advocates Try to Persuade Congress for Funds

In hopes of keeping funding flowing, the SETI Institute promised US congresspersons that scientists will find extraterrestrial life in our lifetime.

Origin of Life Studies Show Signs of Desperation

There is no coherent origin of life scenario among evolutionists, just a collection of odd possibilities – some bordering on the absurd.

Misleading Data: Scientists Fooled by Their Own Assumptions

Whatever the datum you think speaks verbatim, it ain't necessarily so.

Enceladus Ocean Means Dating Trouble, Not Life

News media are jumping over an announcement that Saturn's moon Enceladus may have a large body of water under its icy crust, but what does it mean?

Cosmos 2.0 Repeats the Flaws of Cosmos 1.0

Neil de Grasse Tyson is showing himself to be a good disciple of Carl Sagan, never questioning his master.

Origin of Life: From Soup to Nuts

Evolutionists have been stewing over primordial soup for over a century, but origin-of-life research is still in the kitchen with empty kettles. Some new recipes are downright nutty.

Cosmos TV Relies on Imagination, Not Science

The first episode of the new Cosmos TV series makes it clear that imagination is its main message.

Here Come the Martians Again

The "science" of astrobiology was launched when strange markings in a Martian meteorite were interpreted to be evidence of life. Here comes another one.

Just Say No! to Evolutionary Speculation

"Prove it!" used to be the goal of science. With rampant speculation in the science news media, it's time to demand accountability.

New Craters Found on Mars

Orbiters can count new craters forming on Mars, refining cratering rates. One spectacular new crater has appeared since 2010 with vivid rays.

Bill Nye Scores on Debate Presentation if Not Logic

In the widely-publicized debate with Ken Ham, Bill Nye could not account for the laws of logic, but it won't matter to many listeners wooed by his charm.

Another Geyser World Erupts: Asteroid Ceres

The asteroid Ceres is popping off with water vapor on two sides. What's that world coming to? One thing is sure: DAWN is coming to it.

Miller-Urey Spark Discharge Experiment Resurrected

Technicians provide detailed instructions how to spark gases to make amino acids without causing explosions in the lab.
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