"Convergent Evolution" Widespread at All Scales in Ocean

A study of marine tetrapods that "evolved" for ocean life shows "convergent evolution" rampant at all scales over "hundreds of millions of years."

Of Brontosaurus, Cartoons, and Revisionism

With the resurrection of Brontosaurus as a valid dinosaur name after a century of repudiation, what's a kid to think? Thoughts on science's arbitrary and tentative nature.

Why Such Large Animals in the Fossil Record?

If size is a measure of evolutionary progress, things seem to have gone downhill since many fossils were deposited.

Fudging Evolution to Avoid Falsification

Evolutionary theory follows Finagle's Rule #4: "Draw your curves, then plot your data."

The Physics of Long Necks

Long-necked sauropods faced a fundamental problem in physics when stooping down to drink.

Stunning Fossils Featured

A magazine has displayed some of the most amazing fossils of animals that were suddenly captured in unusual situations.

Darwinians Fill Gaps With Magic

Like rabbits in a magic show, things just "appear" on the Darwin stage. And like magicians, Darwinians don't reveal how the trick is done.

These "Evolutionary" Fossils Don't Help Evolutionary Theory

Anti-evolutionary implications can stare paleontologists in the face, yet they still invoke evolutionary theory.

Dinosaur Extinction Was Global

Whatever killed the dinosaurs took place quickly in both North America and Europe simultaneously.

Densely-Packed Dinosaur Raptor Bones Found

A stunning matrix of densely-packed bones from multiple carnivorous dinosaurs has been found in a big block of Utah sandstone.

Dinosaurs and the Battle of Killers

An impact drove the dinosaurs extinct; or was it volcanoes?

Birds Go Splat on Evolutionary Theories

A flock of surprising traits of birds has dropped a load on simplistic notions of evolution.

The Silent Underground Network

Under your feet in the woods is a vast communication network where information technology keeps the ecosystem functioning.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Fantastic Fossils Challenge Paradigms

A flood of amazing fossils from around the world has hit the news lines recently.
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