What Is the Evidence for Feathers Before Flight?

Birds evolved from dinosaurs; that's the evolutionary consensus. Let's examine the evidence for that scenario.

The Evolution of Penguins

Science reporters are dancing with happy feet about a news story supposedly explaining how penguins evolved.

Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands

When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new round of imaginative gesticulations.

Dinosaur Evolution Story Survives In Spite of Evidence

The evolutionary story of extinction and the rise of dinosaurs faces challenges, but survives when the glue of imagination holds fragmentary evidence together.

Intact Dinosaur Skin Found

Some material that flaked off a fossil in Alberta was not stone; it was dinosaur skin. Discoverers were excited and puzzled: how could it last so long?

Intact Protein Remnants Found in Dinosaur Eggs

A new record for soft tissue in a dinosaur fossil was reported in Nature: collagen in dinosaur eggs from the early Jurassic.

Evaluating the Chicxulub Impact Dinosaur Extinction Hypothesis

Science Magazine claimed the Mexican crater named Chicxulub is the smoking gun of the dinosaurs' demise, and the media fell in line. Are there reasons to doubt the story?

New Feathered Fossil, But Not Simple Evolution

You would think evolutionists would celebrate this new "feathered dinosaur" instead of furrowing their brows.

Stampeding Dinosaur Tracks Made in Water

What were these dinosaurs running from? Science Daily reported that dinosaur trackways in Australia, formerly presumed to have been made by a stampeding herd on land, were actually formed in water.  “Queensland paleontologists have discovered that the world’s only recorded dinosaur stampede is largely made up of the tracks of swimming rather than running animals,” […]

New Volley Cast into the Grand Canyon Age Wars

Age estimates for the Grand Canyon by secular geologists differ between 100,000 years to 70 million years. Who are you going to believe?

More Falsified Darwinian Expectations

Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples.

Another Flap Over Dinosaur Feathers

The first North American "feathered dinosaur" has put the media in a frenzy of celebration over questionable data.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue Case Strengthened

At a meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Mary Schweitzer gave more evidence she found soft tissue in dinosaur bone.

Upper Limit Set on DNA Age

Forget Jurassic Park; DNA cannot last anywhere near 65 million years, researchers say.

Lemur-fish, Vege-fang and other Fossil Follies

Fossils are doing just fine, but the scientists who interpret them are having a rough week (or century).
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