Geology Theory of Early Oxygenation Undermined January 9, 2015 Fossils living in and around newly-discovered methane seeps have cast strong doubt on a leading theory of earth's climate history. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Comets Are Not Life Givers December 23, 2014 Astrobiologists dream of comets as bearers of life in spite of—not because of—the data from Rosetta's comet. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dinosaurs and the Battle of Killers December 21, 2014 An impact drove the dinosaurs extinct; or was it volcanoes? CONTINUE READING
Geology Storm Surge Carries Huge Boulders December 20, 2014 A typhoon carried 180-ton rocks 150 feet up a beach—the largest transport recorded in recent times. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Astrobiology Has No Bio December 17, 2014 When you take the "bio" out of astrobiology, what do you get? Is it still a science? CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mars Methane Is Not Alive December 16, 2014 Small periodic spikes in methane on Mars are turning the Mars-lifers into spin doctors. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Comet Ocean Theory Debunked December 11, 2014 Data from the Rosetta mission debunk the notion that comets brought Earth's ocean water. Now they're hoping asteroids could have. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Astrobiology Hopes Diminish December 6, 2014 Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Full Moon Has Magnetic Secret December 5, 2014 Ponder this under tonight's full moon. Scientists now say the moon once had a magnetic field stronger than Earth's is now. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn Rescues Earth: Outer Planet Wonders November 22, 2014 How Saturn saved the Earth, and other news from the ringed planet, its family, and other bodies in the outer solar system. CONTINUE READING
Geology Geology Sale November 19, 2014 We need to clear the deck of geology news. Here's a garage sale of interesting headlines, provided "as is" for researchers to pursue further. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Comet Lander Working, But Not Optimal November 13, 2014 Rosetta's Philae lander hopped twice before landing in the shade in a tilted position, but the instruments are working. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fantastic Fossils Challenge Paradigms November 7, 2014 A flood of amazing fossils from around the world has hit the news lines recently. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Fish News and Fish Stories: Water You Know? November 1, 2014 Some marine biology news is amazing; some just plain dumb. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mercury, Moon May Still Be Erupting October 17, 2014 Two objects that should be old and dead show surprising activity. Other indications of youthfulness in the solar system are noted. CONTINUE READING