Space Diamonds May Be Closer to Home

While casting doubt on stars made of diamond, other news reports are saying the precious jewels may inhabit the gas giants of our solar system.

Was Earth Like Io?

It apparently solves an old problem to propose that the early Earth was busting out all over with volcanoes, like Jupiter's moon Io.

Global Flood OK if Proposed by Evolutionists

Another attempt to explain the Cambrian explosion proposes a global flood that tapped the capacity of simple animals to evolve new body plans suddenly.

Evolution Conspiracy: Oxygen Photosynthesis Began Earlier Than Thought

Evolutionists are putting the rise of oxygen 700 million years earlier than thought, requiring the origin of photosynthesis that much earlier, too.

Thousands of Dinosaur Tracks Found in Alaska

Nearly inside the Arctic Circle along the Yukon River, thousands of dinosaur tracks have been found – one of several surprising discoveries about dinosaurs.

Tiger in Oil and Other Surprising Fossils

Deposits in North and South America reveal a rich diversity of mammals discovered by oil workers, some fossils in the oil.

Mars Panspermia a Sign of Desperation

A second article proposes life began on Mars, prompting some observers to point out the failures of naturalistic origin-of-life theories.

Solomon Corroborated: It's His Copper Mine

Copper mines in the Aravah of Israel were most likely Solomon's property, not the Egyptians', new date estimates show, supporting the Biblical chronology.

Snowball Earth: Manufacturing a Narrative

The press and TV treat presumed scenarios like a "snowball Earth" as historic facts. A look at how the sausage is made, however, shows little empirical meat and mostly filler in a process characterized by tweaking, picking, and constant debate.

Grand Canyon Demoted by New Discovery

A canyon longer than Grand Canyon has been discovered under the ice of Greenland. Scientists are surprised that it has persisted through the ice ages.

Fossilization Requires Special Conditions

A science writer wrote a semi-amusing account on how to become a fossil. In so doing, he pointed out that fossilization is a very rare fate for most organisms.

Scientists Dodge Youthfulness of Saturn Moon Titan

Like Enceladus, Saturn's moon Titan shows multiple signs of being far less than 4.5 billion years old – yet the press releases are strangely silent about the implications.

Scientists Dodge Youthfulness of Saturn Moon Enceladus

Planetary scientists have figured out that the geysers of Enceladus vary during its orbit, but seem oddly silent about the question of how long the little moon could remain so active.

Longevity of DNA Estimated

How long can DNA survive in a fossil? Claims of ancient DNA can be compared with a new estimate based on a crime scene.

Big Flood on Mars; Why Not on Earth?

More evidence has been presented for a "voluminous" flood on Mars, where there is no water today. So why is a comparable flood disfavored for Earth, where water covers 70% of the surface?
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