Bible and Theology The Creation of Evolutionism November 6, 2012 A press release titled "The Evolution of Creationism" in a geology journal is just asking for a spoof. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Volcano Date Was 3,000% Wrong November 1, 2012 Volcanoes at the south end of California's Salton Sea erupted as recently as the time of Christ, not 30,000 years ago, and may be active today. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy The Missing Zinc: Moon Rocks Still Tell Tales October 18, 2012 Apollo ended 50 years ago, Neil Armstrong is dead, but lunar geologists are still using the moon rocks they brought home to construct a story of the moon's "evolution". CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Weekend Grab Bag October 14, 2012 Here are links to recent science findings and claims sure to stimulate thinking and further research. CONTINUE READING
Birds Upper Limit Set on DNA Age October 12, 2012 Forget Jurassic Park; DNA cannot last anywhere near 65 million years, researchers say. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Explaining Inland Seas Without a Flood October 5, 2012 The Great Salt Lake and other large extinct inland seas in the desert remain a challenge to explain by conventional geology. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Planets and Moons Beneath the Surface September 29, 2012 Can science peel back the surfaces of objects to see what's underneath? Can they go under the observations to find the explanations? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Cambrian Soft Animal Survived Unchanged 200 Million Years September 25, 2012 A fossil soft-bodied lobopodian has been found in Carboniferous strata in Illinois. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Pristine Wood Found in Diamond Crater September 19, 2012 A kimberlite crater in Canada, said to be 53 million years old, yielded exquisitely preserved unfossilized wood. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Fish Story September 16, 2012 Similar-looking blind fish couldn't have swum across the world, so did they evolve separately? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Geological Dates Collapse September 13, 2012 Two papers in the journal Geology this month cast serious doubt on assumptions used to date rocks. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Rocks Don’t Lie, But Liars Rock August 14, 2012 A geologist, trying to be nice to religious people, not only deals fast and loose with rock, but rolls into circular reasoning. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Brazil's Islands in the Sky Defy Evolution August 9, 2012 Isolated table mountains with sheer cliffs in South America should be natural laboratories for evolution. Why aren't they? CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Mt. St. Helens Renewal Slow, Steady August 6, 2012 This is an eyewitness report of ecological renewal at the volcano that erupted 32 years ago. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Palm Trees Thrived in Antarctica August 2, 2012 Evidence for tropical trees has been found 5 km deep off the coast of Antarctica. CONTINUE READING