Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Earth Life Is a Shadow of Its Former Greatness

Evolutionary progress? No. Look at the fossil record to witness higher "fitness" than today.

Darwin Gets a Tongue Lashing

An article on the evolution of the tongue deserves the Bronx cheer.

Trending: Things Evolved “Earlier Than Thought”

CEH has often reported organisms supposedly evolving "earlier than thought." This pushes evolution into a time crunch.

Fertilization Launches Zinc Fireworks

"Beautiful to see, orchestrated much like a symphony" – this is how a fertilized cell announces a new individual.

Unusual Fossils Call for Unusual Explanations

Some recent fossil finds require creative storytelling, but the science is the data –not the story.

Chewing on Evolutionary Stories

Fish chew by sending their food on an assembly line to the back of the mouth. Mammals chew by positioning food for the teeth. Can evolution explain this difference? Science Daily was sure of it. “Evolution has made its marks -- large and small -- in innumerable patterns of life,” The article said. “New research from Brown University shows chewing has evolved too.” When one looks for the evidence that chewing has evolved, though, one only finds blanks with the assumption that evolution must have done it.
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