Archive: Plant Email, Aliens, Sex, Sandstone, More

Here's a collection of short articles published by CEH in July 2001.

Origin of Flowers: Evolutionists Don’t Even Know What They Don’t Know

A damaging preprint claims that data on the origin of flowers is heavily biased.

Archive: How Do Plants Know When to Bloom?

From 20 years ago, this entry still raises awe about springtime flowering processes.

Archive: Christmas Stories from 2005

Here are a couple of entries relating to Christmas from 18 years ago.

Flower Explosion Blows Evo Cred

If a new estimate of flowering plant origins is not retracted, you can stop believing evolutionists now. They're nuts.

Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests?

Perfectly preserved leaves under Antarctic ice tell a story. But what is the correct plot?

Darwinists Lying to the Public

The facts in this story are opposite what a BBC headline promises.

Plant Ancestry: Where Are the Lines of Descent? – Part 2

In Part 2, Dr Helder explores major differences in land plants from other plants that pose challenges to evolutionary ancestry.

Bad Lip Reading with Fossils

Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died.

Fossils Show Up Earlier than Evolutionists Thought

"Earlier than thought" is a frequent phrase heard in Darwinian paleontology. Here are two more examples.

Do These Fossils Show Evolution?

Before taking an evolutionist's word for it that a fossil organism evolved, we should look at the evidence.

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

The Plants That Didn’t Evolve

Here's a look at recent botanical news stories that should offer plenty of opportunities for evolutionists to show how plants evolved.

Plants Fight Darwin

Another article proves the DAM Law, as evolutionists try to make the best of a bad situation.

Insects that Defy Darwin

Stasis and convergence are not what Darwin had in mind, but that's what new fossils show.
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